- Formal legal requirements
It is of huge importance for notaries who accompany cross-border legal relationships to know in which situations foreign legislation provides a specific form (authentication, legalisation) for a legal document itself received and supposed to produce effects in another country as well as for accessorial acts necessary in view of concluding a legal document abroad.
In this section, notaries can find practical information about the requirements of foreign legislations as regards the authentic or legalised form of certain documents (e.g. of a power of attorney concluded in view of selling real estate).
For a comprehensive list of documents of notarial interest used in real estate, company, family matters etc., the legal requirements are indicated. Information is available for 22 countries and in 19 languages.
For other information on the evidentiary value of authentic acts drawn up in the 22 countries of the European Union with a Latin type notariat, check www.authentic-acts.eu. This information is available in English, French and the language of the country concerned.
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